Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Beautiful Grey Morning

Today, as I left my house, the world was silent and frozen. It was a beautiful sight. The sky was grey and shrouded in clouds and my car was covered was a thick sheet of ice. I scraped off the ice and it flew around in tiny shards like glass. It was a magical moment for me. I genuinely hate winter, but I found the ice to be incredibly beautiful. It gave the atmosphere such an ethereal beauty.

Anyway, I'm nearly finished with season one of True Blood! I'm really enjoying it and I'm going to review it for you in a few days. So that people reading this (if anyone is reading this; blogging readership is always a painfully slow process) know what's coming up on this blog besides my random ramblings, here is a list of things I plan to put here in the next week or two:

  • A Review of True Blood Season 1
  • A Review of House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo
  • A Music Spotlight on Emilie Autumn
  • A Special Link for all Writers of Horror
  • A Review of a movie...specifics still to be determined......
I'd love to some day make this blog a bit more interactive and have reader's poetry and artwork and etc. highlighted for all to enjoy! If anyone thinks that's a good idea, feel free to let me know that you're interested! 


Amanda Leigh said...

I'm loving the dark tone to your blog. Looking forward to seeing all of your posts.
I think having an interactive blog is a great idea. It's what I've always wanted to do, but never pursued enough on mine. Let me know if I can help somehow or take part. notreallysouthernvampchick(at)gmail(dot)com

Mina Raquel Fae said...

Thanks, Amanda! I'd love to have you help out. I'll email you later with details, but for anyone else reading, I can be contacted at mina_r_fae(at)yahoo(dot)com